Nulldc 16 !!TOP!! Full Version 15
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Shenmue borrows gameplay elements from several different genres, but largely consists of open-world adventure segments with real-time 3D battles interspersed throughout. Suzuki coined a genre title, "FREE" (Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment), for the game, based on the interactivity and freedom he wanted to give to the player. Suzuki intended to achieve this by simulating aspects of real life through the game, such as the day/night/sleep system, real time variable weather effects (unheard of in a game of this kind at the time), fully voiced non-player characters with their own daily schedules, quick time events, and various other interactive elements such as vending machines, arcades, and convenience stores.
Suzuki developed a very early prototype titled "The Old Man and the Peach Tree" on early Saturn hardware as a test. In the prototype the player controlled a character who was searching for a martial arts master by the name of Ryu in China. This early version contained some of the features later present in Shenmue.
Gameplay in Shenmue is diverse. While most of the game is spent walking around the Japanese locations in a third-person 'chase cam' mode (talking to people, searching for things, and so forth), it is interspersed with many 'mini-games', including forklift and motorcycle races, bar fights, chases down crowded alleys, full versions of Sega arcade games Space Harrier and Hang-On, dart games, and fighting sequences.
:: Save/Load Game Configurations for NullDC:: By Stigzler 2013:: Cmd Line::: nulldc_game_settings.bat "{romname}" "{rompath}" "{romfile}"@echo offset romname=%1set romname=%romname:~1,-1%set rompath=%2set rompath=%rompath:~1,-1%set romfile=%3set romfile=%romfile:~1,-1%echo Recieved Rom Name = %romname%echo Recieved Rom Path = %rompath%Echo Recieved Rom Filename = %romfile%:: --------------------------------------------------------------------:: User Variables - SET HERE!:: --------------------------------------------------------------------:: Location of Controls Folder:set controlsfolder=C:\Emulators\EmuCR_nullDC-optimized_r141\Game_configs:: Location of Emul Folder:set emulfolder=C:\Emulators\EmuCR_nullDC-optimized_r141:: Name of EmuExe:set emuexe=nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe:: Name of Emu Controller iniset emucontini=nullDC.cfg:: -------------------------------------------------------------------:: Code:: -------------------------------------------------------------------:: Load Controlsset padfull=%emulfolder%\%emucontini%set controlsfull=%controlsfolder%\%romname%.cfgif exist "%controlsfull%" ( Echo Controls for this game already exist. Goto CopyControls) else ( if exist %controlsfolder%\default.cfg ( set controlsfull=%controlsfolder%\default.cfg Echo Controls don't exist... loading defaults ) else ( Copy /Y "%padfull%" "%controlsfolder%\default.cfg" set controlsfull=%controlsfolder%\default.cfg Echo Default.cfg didn't exist - using default in Emu )):CopyControlsCopy /Y "%controlsfull%" "%padfull%"Echo Loading Controls...::Pause:LaunchEmuEcho Launching Emulatorcd %emulfolder%start/wait %emuexe% -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="%rompath%\%romfile%"::nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"ping -n 3 localhost > nulEcho Backing up controls for this game as %romname%set padfull=%emulfolder%\%emucontini%set controlsfull=%controlsfolder%\%romname%.cfgCopy /Y "%padfull%" "%controlsfull%"::PauseExit
3. Change the User Variables Section to match your system. Save it as a batch file (use notepad - put .bat at end of filename)4. In your command line for GameEx, enter the following:{Path and bat} "[ROM]" "[ROMPATH]" "[ROMFILE]"For e.g.:C:\GameEx\AHKS_BATS\nulldc_game_settings.bat "[ROM]" "[ROMPATH]" "[ROMFILE]"5. Copy text below into notepad and save as "[Mapping Off] Exit (Process Close) - NullDC.ini" in C:\GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS 2b1af7f3a8